09 January 2008

A short introduction to Szkola Podstawowa Nr 1 (Poland)

"Szkola Podstawowa nr 1 im. Kornela Makuszynskiego w Walczu" is an elementary school. It is attended by students between the ages of 7 and 13. There are 660 students and over 60 teachers, who all form a highly educated team.Our main goal is to make our students feeling successful. We try to create conditions of security and friendly atmosphere. Our another significant goal is to expand boundaries and reduce the barriers that have segregated children classified as exceptional and/or mantally retarded from the mainstream of society. That is why the children with special needs attend our school and we do our best to make their schooling experience equal to that of mainstream children.

Children in our school can make use of:
  • canteen
  • day-room
  • optional activities such as theatre, sport, chess, additional English and German classes, art, European club
  • extra classes if they are weak in some subjects
The subjects taught in our school are: Polish, History, English, German, Mathematics, Nature Studies(Biology, Ecology, Physics, Geography...), Technology, Music, Art, PE(Physical Education), Computer Science, Catholoc Religion.