We have completed the questionnaire and have started analyzing the results.
We wish you nice holidays and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Subjects taught in our school are: Estonian (mother tongue), English, German, Frensh, Russian, Latin, history, biology, physics, geograpghy, chemistry, mathematics, social studies, psychology, industrial arts, career studies, art, music, physical education and some more vocational subjects.
It is attended by students between the ages of 11 and 14.
This kind of school has three grades of classes: the first one (11 years old), the second one (12 years old) and the third one (13 years old).
At the end of the third year, the students have to pass an exam to go to the higher secondary school.
Our school is situated on the outskirts of Treviso. It has two buildings. The main one, with the administrative office, is in a district named S.Liberale, the other one, where I’m teaching , is in the S. Bona quarter, within walking distance.
The social context of these quarters is varied, because they are inhabited by an original group of families with economical and social disadvantages, alongside a more recent settling by middle classes families and nowadays also by a large number of migrants from the Balkan peninsula, Latin America, Africa and China.
The percentage of migrants is now between 10% and 15 %.
All students go to school from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. for five days a week (Saturday included) and from 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. one day a week. Often our students spend more time at school, in the afternoon, because they choose to do optional activities such as theatre, playing a musical instrument, sport… or, if they are weak in some subjects, they have extra classes.
The subjects taught in our school are: Italian, History, Geography, English, French, Mathematics, Natural Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Ecology…), Technology, Music, Art, Sport, Catholic Religion (or an alternative lesson, depending on the choice of the parents) and Computer Science.
Mathematics and Science are taught by the same teacher for six hours a week.
Coletti school is also a centre of education for adults (mostly non EU).
1. What are the concrete aims of the Partnership?
2. What impact is the Partnership expected to have on the participants and other interested parties (on the pupils, teachers, institutions, local community, wider educational community)?
Impact on the teachers
Impact on the school and local community
3. How do you intend to evaluate the progress of the Partnership and its impact on the participating pupils and teachers, the participating institutions and, where relevant, on the local community?
Results and impact will be evaluated in different ways depending on the type of resource developed and on the aims. The participating schools will prepare a workplan with a deadline for each activity and a description on how to evaluate it. The participating teachers will present a progress report on the project at meetings in their schools/departments to inform and involve other teachers.
We intend to evaluate:
These evaluations will form the basis of discussion at project team meetings. At these meetings the work-plan will be reviewed in order to ensure progress towards the objectives is being made.
4. How do you intend to disseminate and use the results, experience and end products amongst the participating institutions, other institutions and the local community?
The main goal of our proposal is to overcome the general lack of interest of pupils toward mathematics and scientific subjects.
Our challenge is to explore ways for integrating the informal learning approach, characteristic of out of schools activities and centered on the direct and active pupils’ involvement, with the formal one, more structured and directive, typical of the school. We intend to take advantage of the comparison among different European school systems and experiences to study and to experiment learning approaches based on cooperation, interactivity, creativity, enhancement of different learning styles and rhythms in order to:
- raise pupils’ curiosity about the surrounding natural and technological world
- motivate them, especially the less gifted ones, taking also account of the gender difference
- help them to acquire scientific literacy which will allow the future citizens to critically evaluate the received information in a world deeply influenced by science and technology
- give the necessary tools to prepare them towards lifelong learning
The ICT will play an important role in our project, as a means of developing knowledge and skills and of facilitating communication and cooperation. The collaboration with peers of different countries will make pupils feel the European dimension of their future citizenship and perceive the unifying nature of the scientific language, that refuse stereotypes and teaches tolerance.